Saturday, February 12, 2011

Fungus horror

Fungus. There's a "Seinfeld" episode where Jerry sees fungal cream in his girl's bathroom. He doesn't know what part of her is infungied (yes I know this isn't a word but I like it) and so he can't touch her until he finds out the cream is for her dog.

Last semester I walked barefoot into my bathroom, ready to take a shower, and what did I see sitting on the floor? Fungal cream. At that moment I no longer saw Jerry as a conceited, selfish person. I felt a bond. I was disgusted. I immediately jumped in the shower, then I immediately jumped back out, and back in and . . . back out. I didn’t know where to step; I didn't know where to go; I was cornered.

Questions ran through my head: Do I run to the kitchen and get the strongest cleaner I can find? Was I already infected? Do I just ignore it? Do I ask my roommate about it? Chills of disgust were beginning to work their way up my spine.

What did I do? Nothing. I was disgusted but I took my shower anyway and I continued to take showers in there but I always wore shoes or socks into that bathroom. I was angry that she didn't share her "little problem" with me though.

I didn't contract any weird fungus. I didn’t shrivel up and die. But I jumped to conclusions. I jumped to lots of conclusions. I wore socks and shoes from then on when ever I used that bathroom. I could never quite look at her the same for the next few weeks.

Of course the fungus cream wasn't the only reason, but I'm sure I did her some injustice. Honestly, people don't always know when they're habits are disgusting or revolting.

I like to eat pudding with my finger. My friend finds it disgusting. I would've never known if he hadn't said something. I'm glad he did. I don't eat food with my fingers in front of him anymore . . . unless I feel like being a jerk.

If we don't say anything, then we have no right to be upset or disgusted by their fungus cream, their herpes cream, their dirty dishes, their hair stuck in the shower drain, their finger in the pudding.

Point it out and if they continue with their disgusting habits, then feel free to be justifiably disgusted and revolted by them.

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