Friday, October 5, 2012

Time may change me

I won't lie. Life is really hard right now. I've been going through some personal things that would make a nun swear. It sucks. It really, really sucks. I went five years without crying, not once--except when a friend died. And now, I cry all the time. I'm a basket case. Its embarrassing. I find myself stressed, anxious and depressed for no real reason--there is a reason, I just don't like to get personal on here. I cried in the grocery store yesterday, I had to put my sunglasses on to hide the tears. My husband should've been embarrassed but instead he held me, helped me laugh it off and then took me home. I couldn't even watch most of the presidential debate a couple days ago, because the tension was killing me, making me highly anxious. I went in the bedroom and watched a sitcom. I have to admit though, I listened to the debate after when I heard it was a success for a certain candidate and I enjoyed every minute. I remember when there was a time that I had absolutely no involvement in politics and now I find the upcoming elections have me really worried. A lot of my involvement has to do with an involved husband. I'm so impressed by him. He's always reading the news, listening to talk radio and trying to understand all sides of an issues before making a judgment. He's taught me to do that with every aspect of my life: politics, religion, health, family, education. I question things a lot more and I learn a lot more. He's been a real blessing through all of these new, unforeseen issues. When I start to feel dark, he always seems to lighten them up. I am thankful for that. I'm thankful that I married an older, more mature man who supports me when things get tough and I go a little crazy. It really makes all the difference. But enough of all this mushy crap. Men are pigs. Note: I did try and put this in paragraphs, but the stupid computer wouldn't let me.

1 comment:

  1. Holy smokes. I hope everything is well. This is going to sound stupid, but I knew something was wrong as soon as a saw a large block of text with no paragraphs.

    Since you're not on facebook anymore, shoot me an e-mail every once in a while so I can continue to harass you:
