Thursday, December 23, 2010

Booby traps

He wrapped his arms around me, drew me closer and jumped back with a yelp. I knew why, I immediately knew why. My date had been booby trapped.

My date swore under his breath and I began to laugh in embarrassment. That morning my bra had broken. I thought the recently bought, pink-polka dotted bra was extremely cute and so I safety pinned it in the back. Guess my plan wasn't fool proof (literally, fool proof, not full proof because this guy was a fool) because he ended up getting stabbed by a safety pin. But to make matters worse, we weren't alone; we were on a double date.

I went to fix my broken strap but the task was not so easy and the safety pin dug deep into my back. It was then my turn to yelp as I strived frantically to remove the safety pin. It hurt and I became frustrated. I soon gave him permission to do whatever he wanted just as long as the pin came out. In the end my date had to stick his hands up the back of my shirt and fixed it for me. Awkward? Maybe. Funny? Definitely. Who can say that they've literally booby trapped their date?

Do you know what implications the term booby trap has? According to Wikipedia "A booby trap is a trap designed to kill or severely injure people. As the word trap implies, they often have some form of bait designed to lure the victim towards it."

While this story is funny, I have often found men trying to get their hands up/down my shirt. They must be lured in by something. Guess my breasts are the bait for them. Sadly, during these I instances I've never had a safety pin to get stuck in their hand.

My breasts are "bait" for men but I did put the bait there. I hate when men, of all ages, check out my breasts and only my breasts. I hate constantly checking the covering over my cleavage. I hate spending more money on bras than most girls. I hate that running is often embarrassing and uncomfortable -- breasts are just uncomfortable; especially, for more fully endowed women. I hate when men tell me I'm beautiful while staring at my chest, rude.

Maybe I should look into setting a trap. Smacking their hands and telling them "no" just doesn't seem to work. Maybe if I put some rat traps in there, or maybe my bra could shoot poisonous darts? Hmmm, the possibilities.

My breasts are for one mans hands only.The next time a guy ogles me or starts putting his hand up/down my shirt he will live to regret it. Can I get an Amen sisters?

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