Thursday, February 10, 2011

The men in my life

It seems I have shown a lot of hate toward men lately. They've become targets for my sarcasm and my hurt. I won't delete the things I've written or erase my words but I will say this: I LOVE MEN.

I look to my Savior first. There is no man more significant in my life, no person. The love and respect that fills my heart when I think, pray, testify of my Savior and my Heavenly Father is the strongest emotion of love, fervor, admiration. There is no one greater.

I look to my father. Working over 60 plus hours to put food on the table to give his family the best. His ability to work with his hands, his spontaneity, his ability to do practically anything he sets his mind to. Although tired and overworked he always found time to gather his family for prayer, for scriptures. He always found time to spend with each of us. He found time to nurture our strengths. He's been the ideal father, there could be no better in my eyes.

I look to my ward, the men whose example and love brings tears to my eyes as I write. Ed Hudson, Will Gillingwater, Bishop Reed, Phil Sprinkle, Dave Johnson, Jeff Borgholthaus, Kelly Frome, Steve Tripp, Calvin Hart, Tom Boswell, Patriarch Mason, John Caless, Mark Henderson and the list goes on. These are men that I admire. They are men I respect as husbands, fathers, Priesthood holders. They've shown so much love and caring for my family and I.

I look at the people I've worked with at school, in jobs, in the community. John Thompson, Joel Judkins, Ron Bennett, Lane Williams, Matthew Whoolery, these are men who have dedicated their lives to teaching their students, to helpin them find so many opportunities in their lives. They've given them (me) the opportunity to be the best. Their example, their knowledge and their love for God have influenced me greatly.

There are the nameless faces as well. Those I've worked with, interacted with whose example made me want to change, to be better. They've made me stand back in admiration.

My friends in the church and outside the church who have helped me, given me respect, time, love and laughter. I'll never forget the FHE brothers who helped me maintain a deep fondness and love for the male gender, even when it seemed that at the time all men were out to hurt me. Kevin, Niepraschk, Jake Black, Hans Stokes, Billy Harker, these all Priesthood holders who have given me friendship and service and who have earned respect and affection from me. Kevin has been an anchor and always appeared when I needed someone to listen and help. I owe him so much.

There's Taylor Wall, a friend who became like a brother when I had no others after I came here. Mike Whitaker who puts up with all my nonsensical ideas on the male gender. There's JR Briscoe, the big brother I never seemed to have growing up. He helped me to survive my last few semesters when the world seemed to be crumbling before me by sharing his family with me. JR was the stable force and example I looked to. They took me in when I had no family to share Thanksgiving.

There's Nathan Smith, a pillar of strength. He wrote me his whole mission and inspired me with his inspirational words. There's Michael Barbosa whose letters recently lift me up every time I talk to him. His positive attitude, intelligence and motivation are inspirational.

The people I've worked with. Mike Rowell, who was just always so positive and full of kindness. Ben Fentriss, who never failed to make fun of me but always made me laugh. Peter Nguyen, who is an amazing journalist, who truly changed the face of a college newspaper while being an amazing husband and father.

There are my own brothers, who I don't see frequently but I am full of love and admiration for. Sam has been one of my best friends. We pretty much do everything together when I am home, which includes chasing birds through fields, flashing geese on the river at night and rollerblading. And my brother-in-law who has brought my sister so much happiness and is always kind and loving to everyone. There's the other family members. My Uncle Greg who has offered me so much good advice and love. My grandfather who spends time with us and shares love with our family.

And there's Matt Breyman; a friend who has become essential in my life. His example is greater than he knows. He's brought me a lot of hope, a lot of understanding and he's always had my respect.

And of course there will be the man I marry someday. He will have my utmost respect, my love, my heart, my trust.

I could continue to talk about all the amazing men in my life. I could go into deep detail with each one and why they are amazing. There will be more amazing men to come into and out of my life. They will be men who have my respect, love and trust.

These are men with heavy burdens, much sorrow, much work and yet they continue to love those around them and their Heavenly Father.

So, raise your glass to the male gender and for all that they do.

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