Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I joined the heart sick masses?

I became my worst nightmare in a matter of days or was it moments? I have always been a practical, down to earth and seemingly boring person. Some people say that my head was screwed on too tight like those barbie dolls you have as a kid and their heads fall off and then you put them back on but the barbie never looks right again because her chin is too close to her chest. That is how people in Maryland always thought of me.
Of course at BYU--Idaho I am considered liberal and a little too lose with my thoughts. I am a survivor though. I don't cry, I haven't really cried in years unless you count death. I don't fall for anyone; at least I like to think that I don't.
I once considered myself a non-chaser and very subtle person but somewhere along the lines I fell short. I fell for someone I didn't really know, I succumbed and I took him at face value. I was roped in by words and wishes. Of course through out this fly by four week relationship I gave myself pep talks. "You don't really like him that much," or "you just met him, how can you like someone that quickly," those were the thoughts that ran rampant in my mind. But somehow my mind lost the battle and my emotions took control and I found myself yearning for something I shouldn't want and could never have.
I still don't know why I wanted to be with a guy who cuddled and then tried to kiss me on the first date, which in case you are wondering I never gave him that privilege....ever. I am not a tramp, slut or whore and so I tend to not let myself succumb to the physical. I am solid, some have even compared me to a tree. But alas trees can be axed down and this guy definitely left more than a knick in my bark.
I started chasing after something that was unattainable or maybe I was just romantacizing things that weren't really there. Who knows but somehow I fell for the louse and I became the pesky persister. I didn't know anything about him and so when a week went by and I hadn't seen him and he pretty much hadn't said a thing to me I began to wonder who he was with and how many girls he had made moves on that week. Maybe he was seeing a different girl every night or maybe I was too ugly for him, both of which are extremely likely because this guy was no monster faced tree chopper.
So to make a long story short I fell, yes you heard it I fell. I succumbed to my emotions and I became paranoid and almost obsessive. I guess it is all part of the Prettyman curse that a witch placed on my family some years ago. My Dad has always blamed things on that and so instead of blaming myself for being weird and possessive I will blame the loss of what could have been a beautiful relationship on the Prettyman curse.

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