Friday, February 13, 2009

Journalism controls my life

Hmm my day how do I sum it up in just one word? Boring! Ya it was pretty unproductive like the rest of my week. There seems to be a repeated theme in the excitement in my life right now and I wonder what that could be? Probably the focus of my major...journalism. I am an editor for BYU-Idaho's school newspaper and I am taking two journalism classes this semester. In less than two weeks I have done more with my life than I did my whole senior year of high school. Lets start with last week. I some how managed to arrange a date with a guy I met while helping a writer do an interview at the ice rink(he works there), which seems impossible for the impossibly shy person that I am still trying to shake from me. We had the date, got a little friendly and now I am a little head-over-heels for him--I figured I would throw that lame cliche' in to go with my cliche' story--and now I am missing someone I don't know because he has been gone for the past few days on a school trip. Because of this I have been distracted and so I bombed two tests this week, one of which was for a journalism class. How else has journalism taken over and changed my life? I spend my Saturdays laying out pages for the newspapers and the rest of the I spend nagging my writers to meet their deadlines and to come up with some good pieces to put in the paper. I also spent hours writing my first editorial about capital punishment and then had the editors rip it apart in front of my face and pretty much call me a pathetic loser but somehow I still like the piece once I have made a few minor changes. Yesterday I spent 3 hours interviewing a complete stranger who turned out to be pretty darn cute and a lot of fun. By the end of the interview--did I mention it was 3 hours-- him and my roommate were salsa dancing in our living room. Right now I am dreading a long day tomorrow of torture at work so I think I will end this because what more can I say.

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