Friday, March 27, 2009

Police Ride Along

The ride started out boring and nothing really happened. We stopped at the train tracks and Officer Hagen directed some traffic around them because they were frozen over. Then we drove around just watching the roads and keeping an eye out for suspicious activity.

At first Hagen didn't say much of anything and things were awkward but for the last hour of the ride I found out a lot I didn't know about Rexburg. First he talked about how he catches people who park so they can make-out and have sex. He actually said that he has caught a few couples having sex right around the temple area.

He also talked about how the most suicide calls they get each week are called in on Sunday. Girls going to church and feeling guilty about how they had been doing things they shouldn't have with their boyfriends or their grades were most likely to make attempts at suicide on Sunday.

One story he told was about a girl who had claimed rape just to get her ex-fiance's attention. The way she did it was even more interesting. They found her naked and beaten up at the park and at first she claimed she was raped but eventually she admitted to doing the damage to herself because she was angry with her fiance and she wanted him to take her back.

Another story was more along the lines of a domestic issue. A little boy had run across the street screaming that his mother and sister were dead and that some stranger had killed them with an axe. As it turns out his mother and sister were fine and he had just been recovering from being sick.

Well after telling me all of these stories we decided to go check some back roads and see if we could catch any couples doing something they shouldn't and we actually caught someone. Right down the street from the temple where they are building some houses we discovered this couple doing some things they shouldn't have been doing.

Of course I didn't see any nudity, thank goodness. They were in a truck and Officer Hagen turned his spotlight on them got out of the car and went over and talked to them. All it looked to me was that the female was really uncomfortable and the male in the car was lifting up his pants so he could put them back on.

By the time the situation was over I was almost in tears from laughing and then the story Officer Hagen told me was even more interesting. He said that he had gotten to the car and the girl was on the floor in the fetal position and crying. The male just looked a little flustered. Hagen asked the girl to put some clothes on but was forced to watch in case one of them tried to pull a weapon out on them.

Anyway that was my experience with the police ride along and I have to admit that it was quite intriguing.

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