Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Happy. I don't want to be sad. Sad things happen to me. Things happen to make me mad but I don't want to be mad either. Who wants to be mad or sad when you can be happy? I recently went through a frustrating time in my life. Of course it nothing compared to the struggles of others but it was in someways a struggle for me.

I was letting it sadden me, demean me. I don't want to be sad. I want to be happy. I don't want someone to hold me back, drag me down with them. Of course I will never turn from a call for help, I will never leave a friend, I will always mourn with those that need someone to mourn with them but when it comes to my own life and my own problems then I'd rather avoid the unhappy things.

There are some things beyond my control. I can't control people. I can't control their actions. I can't stop them from trying to hurt me but do I need to take it? No. I can be happy. I can refuse to let it get me down.

I don't want to be the friend whose got everyone down. I want to be the friend you can turn to when you need a smile, the friend you can turn to when you need a laugh. I want to make people happy. I want to be happy and I want others to be happy.

I want them to realize that even with their hard schedules, the fact that the person they were dating doesn't want them, the fact that their jeans are too tight or maybe their day just isn't going the way they want but I want them to realize that even with this all they have to do is smile. Awful things happen for a reason. You'll learn something from it. Be happy. Don't let anyone bring you down. If you can't pick yourself up then come to me and I'll help to lift your spirits, anything to see you smile :)

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