Thursday, November 4, 2010

This isn't finished but its how I'm feeling

WikiLeaks recently released 400,000 classified U.S. Army field reports from the Iraq reports. The documents featured information on the death of civilians, detainee abuse and actions by Iran during the war.

Was wikileaks justified in this release? Are they justified in their other releases.

Along with this, does our government stop our speech too much? Do we take advantage of our rights?

The 1st Ammendment says that we have freedom of Speech, the right to speak freely and without censorship.

We cannot place control on the words of our citizens in this country, nor should we ever but our citizens need to think about what they’re saying and why they’re saying it. Do their words accomplish anything? Do they have good intent with what you are trying to say or are you seeking attention and drama.

I sometimes worry that in our need for “freedom of speech” we could be endangering our country but at the same time how often does our government take advantage of this fear and we allow them to silence others?

Are we letting our government slowly taking control of every facet of our lives. What are we, as a country, willing to sacrifice in order to be safe? What are our limits? Do we give up too much freedom in the name of a “safety” and “security?”

These documents could potentially get into the wrong hands and could put our country in a great deal of trouble. They could also get officials in a lot of trouble. Do we want them to be getting into trouble or were their actions justified?

In the name of safety, in the name of security we allow the government to tap into our phone and Internet conversation. Is there nothing sacred, nothing private?

Its not a big deal. They’re just tapping into our phone and internet conversations to guarantee our safety by catching “terrorists.”

But with this one justification we will begin to justify things more and more.

I was told that our country is a democracy but every time I turn around I see it becoming a socialistic nation. While helping the poor and needy is good, shouldn’t we be given that decision? Along with this, are we really just helping the poor and needy?

We don’t offer them the chance to fix their lives, become better people, instead we offer them food stamps and free money. How does this encourage work? How does encourage anything except an increase in people taking advantage of the money the government gives out so wastefully.

Is it justified taking away our speech in the name of safety? Is it justified taking away the money of the productive to help the “poor and needy”? \

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