Monday, January 24, 2011

What men are good for

I know a lot of guys that complain about always being the friend and never the boyfriend. I've hit that point. I'm always the friend and never the girlfriend. But do I complain? Nope.

I'd rather not date right now. I spent the last 20 years of my life shying away from guys. I like having guys friends. Its so strange because now the men outnumber the women in my life.

Once upon a time I could barely hold a conversation with a male and now . . . they're my primary conversation source.

I could've made moves on a lot of them, dated a lot of them, even married a few of them but why ruin a beautiful friendship? While its been strange not having girls to confide in since I've been in Utah its been fun exploring more deeply (or as deep as you can get cause men are really shallow) into how men work. I used to never care because men, for the most part, aren't worth caring about but my list of "what men are good for" is a lot longer than it used to

1) Lift things
2) Fix things
3) Eye candy
(These first three were the only things on my original list)
4) They'll hook you up with their friends
5) Always honest when you ask how you look
6) They're great punching bags
7) They always eat more than you (No guilt)
8) You feel smart and motivated around them (men are lazy bums)
9) Have ways of getting free food
10) They're usually try anything at least once

Apparently men are good for something. If you're sitting next to a man pat him on the back; actually, slam your fist into his back because men are still pigs and deserve to be hit and hit hard and frequently.

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