Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Ughhhhh, go Jimmer . . .

Ugh if I ever run into Jimmer Fridette, while at BYU, I am going to plant one on him -- and I'm not talking about my lips - - I'm talking about a fist, in his mouth. Actually, I may just kick him in the shin, maybe then I really wouldn't have to hear about him anymore.

Ok, so I don't really have any particular qualms with Jimmer. I guess its really not his fault that I see, hear, eat, drink his name everywhere -- he's practically being shoved down my throat.

It might be the fact that I'm interning with Deseret News or it might be the fact that I'm attending grad school at BYU in the fall, I'm really not sure which or if its either that factor into the constant assault on my ears with the name Jimmer, but I really think we need to give his name a break.

Why don't we try out a different name? How about Kaitlin Prettyman? That falls from the tongue rather nicely, wouldn't you say? I mean it’s a normal first name with a very attractive last name. And just as the last name is attractive, so are all the people that own this last name.

I think Jimmer's name could use a break. And if you don't want to use mine how about we use names like Gov. Gary Herbert who just helped pass a law making it even harder to access government documents, or how about Gaddaffi a man who is causing the deaths of thousands because he won't stand down as leader of Libya.

I don't know, should'nt we focus on more serious things than Jimmer Fredette and his girlfriend or that he didn't serve a mission or how great he shoots a basketball? But I am speaking blaspheme here, aren't I?

So, in order to preserve my name and life, I will end this post by saying, "Go Jimmer!" :P

1 comment:

  1. that dude looks freaky, like if they took hercules out of the cartoon and made him into a 12 year old boy. we hear alot about him on the east coast too, after all its not everyday a white man(with good generics) has the desire to play a children's game so seriously.
