Thursday, March 10, 2011

THE weekend!

I felt that this is a pretty big deal and I should write about it, since he is flying from Washington to Utah, just to see me.

I feel special. I feel like really special. I feel so special I'm singing, right now. I'm feeling special and I am singing, at work. Ok, so I'm not really but I'm starting to get excited!

So excited! I've been waiting to go to Rexburg for months and I've been waiting to see this guy, Matthew Herman Breyman, for months, and now its all happening in one weekend.

My mind might explode. To hear what happens, read my blog on Monday! There will be photos too!

1 comment:

  1. ew you can do better then that, i bet he doesn't even drive a luxory sports car, tisk tisk, aim higher, especialy if your all into that eternity stuff, got ta make the first shot count.
