Friday, October 7, 2011

Going to prison

Ever been to prison? Me either. I would like to do some research there though. I have this idea. Introverts- people who look inward rather than outward. I think that introverts account for the population of violent prisoners than extroverts.

I want to design a questionnaire/survey that further investigates this theory. But, I don't just want to do a survey. I want to make this relevant to the world.

I want people to think about why they are introverts? Why there friends are introverts? Their children? Their relatives? What makes someone one extreme or the other? Of course, research says that most people fall in between the two, an almost perfect balance.

I don't believe this of prisoners, I don't believe this of more cynical, violent people. I think prisoners will greatly favor one side over the other and I'm willing to bet that introverts will be the all encompassing winner.

And then I want to take these facts, this quantitative research and do some qualitative. I want to do interviews with the prisoners. I want to find out why they are introverts, why they favor looking in rather than out. Do they feel like they can work on this perspective? Do they feel they can reach a balance.

What are your thoughts? Do you think my research would be worthwhile? Or does it not really have a place in the world at this time? Hmmmm, I'll let you decide. Leave me a comment.

1 comment:

  1. I'd be interested to see what the results are, although given that I'm married to an introvert, I have some opinions formed already, lol. ~Meagan
