Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Latest Victim: James

I remember the first time I met James. It was my second year at EFY, I think I had just turned 16.

It was at the first dance for the week and I was standing by the wall--like I always do--when this kid asks me to dance. It was one of the many times that a young man had taken pity on me and decided to make themselves the highlight of my night.

Well James did more than that. What was just a dance turned into a friendship, I remember keeping in touch with him until he left for his mission, just a little over a year after that first meeting--I believe.

We emailed during that time. He would tell me about college and I would complain about high school.

After he left for the mission, Stormin Mormon--I believe that was his email or something--and I didn't really talk anymore. I think I wrote him one letter at the beginning and he wrote one back.

It was after his mission, and after I had added him on Facebook that James and I talked again.

I never would've imagined that he would start hooking me up with guys while he was in North Carolina for college and I was at BYU-Idaho.

But he did.

I remember he set me up with a guy and we went out on a Friday night. I worked the next morning, at the college newspaper, and someone hacked into my Facebook account while I was out for lunch.

So, I'm sitting down for lunch when I get this phone call from James. I hadn't talked to him verbally in what was years.

"Are you engaged?" he says in disbelief. After a couple minutes of reassurance and an explanation of what I assumed was a hacking (and I found out later that I was right), he hung up.

I remember him saying something like, "You went on a date with another guy last night and you're engaged today?!?!"

I went on several dates and had some good times because of James. Being set up by someone so far away was hilarious at the time, and I still laugh to this day.

I've always seen James as some kind of genius and of course, a friend. Thanks James.

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