Thursday, November 10, 2011

To all you momma's boys out there

You ever know a guy that pretty much talks about his mother all the time? They say a good guy is a guy that treats his mother right, I'm a supporter of this but what about a guy who doesn't just treat his mother right but also has an oedipus complex?

I still remember, I went out with a guy who could do nothing but talk about his mother--total turn off. He recently was married. I wonder if she reminds him of his mother?

Sometimes these mommy boys are just down right creepy. There was a guy in my ward when I was younger who breast fed until he was five--talk about being stuck on someone, literally.

She would just whip it out at the pool and tell him to come get his lunch. Weird.

But, they're not all so blatantly obsessed with their mother. I'm just putting out a warning for you women.

Don't date a guy that you can completely control, a guy that enjoys that. Gross. Do you know how you really sees you? They see you as a mother figure that they can have sex with.

If you feel like the dominator in your relationship, then do something about it, unless you enjoy being the mother figure in your relationship, then by all means whip it out for him and the babies.