Friday, November 18, 2011

The Sara(h)'s in my life Part 1

I remember looking at her upside down, when she was less than a year old. She looked like an alien, I still wonder if she is.

From diapers to ten-year-old, my youngest sister--of the ten of us--is not an alien but she's a sleeper.

While potty training she would fall asleep on the little toilet with her head resting on the adult toilet. One time she fell asleep on the floor, in front of the door and another time on the dresser.

Sara, the bedhead. My first semester back from college, I remember sitting on the couch at 11 a.m. and Sara walks out of her room, barely awake, goes to the bathroom, comes out of the bathroom, looks at me and with that Sara voice says, "WHAT?"

I love Sara for her wittiness. There hasn't been a time when I talked on the phone with her that I wasn't blown away by her intelligence; from math to telling me jokes for a half hour.
Gotta love that kid.

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